Glimesh Handbook / Company / Ownership


Glimesh, Inc. is an open company, which explains how we operate the business. However Glimesh is not a non-profit, or public company, instead it is a privately owned C Corporation registered in the state of Delaware in the United States. Glimesh, Inc. is currently wholly owned by Luke Strickland.

Ownership Stakes

Luke Strickland - 100%

Future Ownership Plan

There’s much about the ownership of Glimesh that we hope to change over time. Ideally we can build a hybrid company that embraces all of the required-transparency benefits of a non-profit, the original “price to cost” ideals of Gittip, and the compensation of correctly managed for-profit companies. Cooperatives are very similar in practice, but we’ll need to ensure we retain the ability to make decisions quickly. Currently the businesses primary focus, above organizational structure, is the growth and sustainability of the platform. If we do not exist, our organizational structure is irrelevant.